To be the club where members love to be, valuing the good times spent on and off the water.
- Loch Earn Sailing Club Vision, 2018

First Fling Entry Now Open

10/04/2024 - Don't miss the sign up for the 2024 LESC First Fling 27 - 28 April 2024!

Fixture List and Duty Rota Set

10/04/2024 - The Sailing Secretary has set the fixture list and input the duty rota into Dutyman. All shift changes need to be arranged thru Dutyman.
- Sarah

Club Open for the 2024 Season

28/03/2024 - The spring work party was another success and the club is now open for the 2024 sailing season! Now if only the weather will cooperate. Massive thanks to the Blue Boat Jetty Repair Team, the painting team, and everyone who gave up their Saturday to prepare the club. - Sarah

Large Sitka Spruces to be Felled

05/03/2024 - There are three large spruce trees at the far end of the caravan site that have been identified as problem trees by the RTS survey team. The committee is working to apply for the correct permits and find the most cost effective and timely way to remove them. - Sarah

Updates to the LESC Private Water System

05/03/2024 - The private water system at LESC has been updated at great cost. Bust look at that quality! The committee has also contacted all caravan owners regarding a grant from the Scottish Government that will greatly offset the cost of the upgrades.
 - Sarah

POSTPONED: Autumn Work Party

27/10/2023 - Due to the weather forecast and the state of the roads, the LESC General Committee is postponing tomorrow's (28 Oct) Work Day, Supper, and Prizegiving events until next Saturday, 4 November. Please take care if you're out driving this weekend and apologies for any inconvenience.  - Sarah

Members AGM Notice

7/10/2023 - Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held by ZOOM at 14:00 on Sunday 19th November.
Nominations and Resolutions for consideration should be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary ( by Thursday 19th October 2023.

The agenda, flag officers' reports, sailing secretary's report, club accounts and joining instructions for the ZOOM meeting will be sent out in advance of the AGM.

Sailing Programme Feedback

7/10/2023 - The Sailing Secretary would like to hear from you! What went well this year? What should change? Be heard and help make LESC the place where members love to be! Survey closes 12 November. Details TBD

Auctions Closed

30/9/2023 - The blind auctions have now closed and successful bidders have been notified. Thank you for your interest!

Blind Auction Sale

12/9/2023 - ATTENTION LESC MEMBERS! The club has a couple dinghies to auction off in the next week. It's open only to members and you'll need the member's area password to view the details:

Abandoned Property

5/9/2023 - We're trying to locate the owners of a few items currently stored at the club. Please take a look and contact if you know anything about the equipment described here:

Lost and Found

5/9/2023 - With only a few more weeks left of the 2023 sailing season, have you checked in Lost and Found for any of your gear? Everything's on the bench outside the toilets and will be there until the end of Oct when we pack up the club.

Training Week Feedback

9/8/2023 - Help us improve! Please consider answering a few questions about your Training Week experience this year.

Training Week Photos & Slideshows

23/7/2023 - The Training Week photos and slideshows are finally finished! Check them out: and view the slideshows on our YouTube Channel:

please use this 'Contact Us' form.


The best place to start is by booking your place at this year's Training Week. Potential new members are also welcome to visit in-person any weekend April - October.

Please note there is currently a waitlist for keelboat moorings and the dinghy park is full.

Thanks to Alex we have a camera taking live photos from the clubhouse and a spot location on Windy.

Loch Earn Weather via BBC Website
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