Dinghy Sailing Courses
None, but participants should be confident/comfortable in the water
Trainees must bring their own suitable clothing for the course. Loch Earn is remarkably cold all year long so a well-fitting full wetsuit (or even a drysuit on colder summer days), spray top and
dinghy sailing boots are highly recommended. Trainees also need a well fitting bouyancy aid designed for sailing. The club has only a few to lend. LOMO in Glasgow is a quick and affordable resource for basic gear. The Training Principal at principal@lochearnsc.com can assist with gear advice if needed.
Changing facilities and hot showers are available in the clubhouse. Space for tents and small campervans is available if booked in advance.
Personal boats are welcome from all attendees and non-member boats can be stored at LESC for the week. Please arrange storage of any non-member boats in advance with the Training Principal at principal@lochearnsc.com.
Child Protection: Loch Earn Sailing Club has a 'Safe and Fun' child protection policy. There will be a Child Welfare Officer available for the whole of Training Week. For more
information about LESC's Safeguarding policies, see Safeguarding.
Varies depending on applicants and weather conditions but RYA National and Youth Scheme certification is the aim
See https://www.rya.org.uk/training/small-boat-sailing/dinghy/
Predominantly afloat but with some classroom elements
Second full week in July every year
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Mon
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Tues - Fri
Start times are important because a late start means a late finish. Students should bring a packed lunch each day and be dressed for the start time above.
Note: De-rigging and putting away of boats and equipment is an essential part of the course and students are expected to de-rig and put away their boat at the end of each day.
LESC does not aim to make a profit on Training Week. Trainee fees cover instructor fees, safety boat fuel, boat repair, and equipment replacement, etc.
See Fees page for most up-to-date information.
Applications open to LESC members only on 1 May and then to the public on 15 May.
As applications are received, we will build classes, and once minimum student numbers for each class are met, applicants will be notified.
If you have any questions about Training Week or the application process, please reach out to the Training Principal at principal@lochearnsc.com.